HITMAN Sapienza Laptop Dongle/Church key etc. Locations

The Laptop dongle, Biolab Keycard, Lab coat disguise, and the church key can be found at the church.

In the game Hitman: Sapienza, the laptop dongle and the church key can be found in two locations within the map.

The laptop dongle can be found in the basement of the mansion on the map’s north side. To access the basement, you will need to find the basement key, which can be found in a drawer in the mansion’s kitchen. Once you have the key, go to the basement and look for the laptop dongle on a table near the back of the room.

The church key can be found in the church located in the center of the map. To get the key, you will need to enter the church and look for it on a table near the altar. Once you have the key, you will be able to unlock the door to the church and access the interior.

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